Hurricanes are a real concern in the southeast every summer and fall. If you live someplace where hurricanes frequently happen, it’s important to protect your property. With proper preparation, your home can withstand a hurricane with minimal damage. Here are 7 ways to prepare your home for hurricane season.

Always Have a Plan

During a hurricane, you want to have a plan. Know where you will go in case an evacuation is called. Stay connected with friends and relatives during times of crisis.

Prepare Your Home for Hurricane Season With a First-Aid Kit

First aid kits are often necessary during a disaster. Also, keep a stash of food, medicines, water, and other essentials. Disaster kits contain medical supplies to tend to wounded or sick family members in the house and also have basic items for survival. You may be stuck inside the house for days or forced to evacuate quickly, so you’ll need to have bottled water, non-perishable food, and flashlights on hand.

Reinforce Your House and Surroundings

One of the best ways to prepare your home for hurricane season is by reinforcing your house. Repair any damages, like leaks in the roof or foundation. Cut down overhead tree branches to prevent damages during strong winds. Reinforce the garage door with a brace. Add storm shutters to doors and windows or cover them with plywood.

Declutter Your Property to Prepare Your Home for Hurricane Season

Remove objects around the house that could become projectiles. Stow your lawn decorations, grill, and gardening equipment indoors.

Secure All Entrances Around the House

Rainwater can enter your home through doors and windows. Seal these entrances shut to avoid flooding and damages. Repair broken seals, hinges, and knobs on your doors and windows. Lock all deadbolts and window locks.

Prepare Your Home for Hurricane Season With Electronic Devices

Devices like radios, phones, and flashlights are important to have during disasters. They keep your family updated and are used as a way of communication. You’ll need a good source of light during a blackout. Carry a spare battery or a power bank to keep these gadgets fully charged. You will never know when you will need them the most.

Review Your Home’s Insurance

Review your homeowners insurance to verify what it covers. Your home should be covered for the cost of a complete rebuild if necessary. Make sure that your policy includes damages from flooding and that all your valuable belongings are insured.

It’s important to prepare your home for hurricane season. By taking precautions and being smart, you can prevent the worst from happening during a storm.

Oasis Home Inspections serves Brevard County, Florida with home inspection services including wind mitigation inspections. Prepare your home and schedule an appointment today!