Getting older is challenging and it’s difficult to go from a lifetime of mobility to needing help with everyday tasks. Elderly people’s homes should be free of dangerous hazards. Here are some tips to follow to make a home safe for seniors.

Remove Tripping Hazards to Make a Home Safe for Seniors

One of the easiest things you can do to make a home safe for seniors is to conduct a quick sweep of the house and look for tripping hazards. Are there shoes piled up near the door? Is there clutter obstructing a pathway? Are electrical cords laying across the floor? These are all things that should be removed and relocated. Falls are the most common cause of injuries to senior citizens. Move things out of the way before they become an issue.

Prevent Falls

When a senior can’t reach something on a top shelf that they need, he or she might decide to climb on something to better reach it. An easy tip to keep a home safe for seniors is to move everyday and often-used items to lower shelves. Seniors also often need help getting up and down. Add safety rails and grab bars near beds, toilets, and bathtubs as an added safety precaution.

Keep the Home Safe for Seniors by Blocking Dangerous Areas

Accidents may happen when attempting to go up or down the stairs, especially if it’s dark. If there is no reason to be down in the basement, block off that staircase. Encourage the elderly to avoid attics and basements and instead ask for help if they need access to these areas.

Have a Plan

If you care for an elderly loved one, you’ll do what you can to make your home safe for seniors. While it is hard for seniors to lose some of their freedom, keeping them safe is key. Make a plan together and let them know where they should go and who they should call if there’s an issue. Keep a phone and important numbers accessible at all times. Finally, let them know that you’ll check on them and help out. Ask them to call you rather than trying to do something themselves that could cause injury.

Oasis Home Inspections offers our inspection services to Brevard County in Florida. Contact us to schedule your appointment!